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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

01 July 2007

it's all relative

I spent a wonderful week in Tallahassee with my Mom and Dad, and also attended my 30th High School Reunion. All of this was major fun.

I managed to get some running in, although I must confess I was really a wimp and the heat and humidity kicked my you-know-what. I did two runs early, early in the morning and still only managed to run about 25-28 minutes. When I was finished I was sopping wet. The third run I did on a treadmill, under a ceiling fan, in the AC at a gym. ahhhh. i know, i know. it's not the same, but i promise you i worked hard on the treadmill - was on it for 1.5 hours. i did two consecutive 30-minute hill workouts and then "ran" another 2 miles on flatness. treadmills and AC are a half way decent compromise when dealing with high humidity and heat i suppose, although i wouldn't call it running ....it's more like "bouncing." ha

Now I'm back in northern Virginia and just finished about a 3 miler through my sister's neighborhood about 7:00 am. Whew. The temps this morning sure felt awesome compared to Florida. Just thought I'd share....I've been reading about fellow runners out there in 100+ heat in places like Arizona. How do they do it?
photo: Tallahassee Canopy Road (from the interweb)
(see this Article about Tallahassee)

1 comment:

Phil said...

Did you take that picture? I'd never leave. Just beautiful.