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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

31 August 2007


i had two servings tonight of edy's toffee bar crunch ice cream...$1.99 from Giant.

God Bless America.

30 August 2007

it's going around


sore throat




i did run yesterday...and although it was humid and i only made it 3 miles before i was melting...

and it was great! i love my old neighborhood!! it has trails, lots of sidewalks, shady streets..everything a runner could ask from suburbia. our backyard even backs up onto protected woods - with critters and everything. it's not unusual to spot a deer...or a skunk (watch out nina!!) in the back yard.

today Mr. Wonderful mowed the grass...and 'found' the nest of stinging wasps buried in the ground. YIKES!! one managed to pop him on top of his little bald head before he truly mowed up the nest for real. if he had plowed it over with the mower ...i shudder to think.

hope you're having a great day!

28 August 2007

where does it all go?

we are officially moved back into our own house, and we are furiously unpacking!
my running has taken a back seat the last two months, and i only have myself to blame. i didn't put it first, and i let things like the summer heat and humidity and POISON IVY get in the way.
i managed to put in enough that i haven't completely rejoined the couch potato brigade, so that's good news!
so...whew...i lived through the move. now...let's get busy!! i have a 5K coming up in DC in september to look forward to.
hope you're having a good day!

01 August 2007

pass the calamine

flash back: a couple of weekends ago i spent many hours working in the yard of the house we own. i pulled off ivy from one entire side of the house, tamed an overgrown rhododendron, got rid of vines that had overtaken our wooden picket fence in the back.

now....this week....i'm breaking out in oozy welts all up and down my arms and legs. (wtf! sigh) every time i run and get hot and sweaty it all gets even worse.

anyways...my yard looks better. i do not.

