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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

14 December 2007

i had NO idea...

so....way into the selling shoes at the ladies' shoe department at the local Macy's....omg...i had NO IDEA that this was so crazy. i've done retail before, and i know it can be hectic; that customers are sometimes grumpy, impatient, and that the schedule can be freaky, and that it's physically exhausting all for minimum wage.... but shoes? lemme tell you, this is like nothing i've ever done. if you're curious, stop by the ladies' shoe department in one of the major national department stores this holiday shopping season and just observe for a few moments.

aside from the selling shoes thing...i love retail. i am enjoying working for macy's. i'm still getting used to being on my feet so long, and my running has taken a nose dive. i MUST get back to it. i'm sure i will.

in the meantime...i've come down with the creeping crud. sore throat, fever, general misery. ugh. please bring me some chicken soup and rub my feet. ;-)

1 comment:

Phil said...

Hope you bounced back in time for Christmas.