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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

01 May 2007

just another day in paradise

president bush speaks at the centcom coalition conference at macdill AFB florida
chavez seizes control from big oil (he's a p.i.t.a.)
castro is a no show at the may day parade (hmmmm)
georgia wild fires won't let up (ctclady is enhaling smoke!)
boy george was arrested for assault
rosie o'donnell is leaving The View (thank goodness)
dannilynn is going home with her biological father
immigration marchers take to the streets

mr. kicky is having dinner out.
#1 son is at bern library feverishly studying. his I.B. exams begin tomorrow. dun-dun-DUN (theatrical music here).
#1 daughter is hanging on by a thread. her last class is this friday. everyone send her happy thoughts. :-)

i got my run in today. and YES!! i made it up S.A.H. again today...and then managed to run another 40 meters before stopping to take a swig of water. actually when i got to the top of S.A.H. there was a young couple walking past with their stroller and they glanced at me in a slightly disgusted and worried manner...as i wheezed and plodded up the S.A.H. their expressions consequently encouraged me to at least pull it together and trot ladylike past them to the next path where i nonchallently slowed to a walk and took a drink of water.

i got my "bern grand prix racing number and entrance ticket" today.
and i ate cereal for supper..and i'm reading a really good, trashy novel. doesn't get much better.

hope you're having a good day too.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Congratulations for banging your way up the hill again. That will make you a lot stronger.