Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
31 December 2007
end of 2007!
hope all is GR8 in 2008!
in my running life --
i got a job and only ran 3 mile in december? wtf! i'm quitting.
the ladies' shoe department - so not worth it. i haven't run. people have thrown shoes at me. ugh. i'm outta there!
see ya!!
...to be continued.
14 December 2007
i had NO idea...
aside from the selling shoes thing...i love retail. i am enjoying working for macy's. i'm still getting used to being on my feet so long, and my running has taken a nose dive. i MUST get back to it. i'm sure i will.
in the meantime...i've come down with the creeping crud. sore throat, fever, general misery. ugh. please bring me some chicken soup and rub my feet. ;-)
06 December 2007
just wanted to share...
05 December 2007
First Snow!
Did I get my run in? Absolutely! My running took a nose dive the last few days since I began my retail job. Being on your feet all day long is difficult. I would compare it to being able to run two miles. Then, you go out and run ten miles. You can get across the finish line, but you'll be tired and not to mention sore. Then, the very next day, you go run those ten miles again! And then the third day, another ten! You get the picture. You don't have time to recover. My poor feet! Ha.
So, I had Tuesday and Wednesday off. Whew. My feet needed it. Today I felt up to an easy run, so Miz Nina and I went out about 9:30 in the snow to follow the trails. I was in heaven! I love running in the winter. I'm so happy it's winter again!
Back to work for me Thursday through Saturday, but I have Sunday off. My daughter and I are signed up to run in a 10K in DC early Sunday morning. Can't hardly wait! Wish me luck with my tootsies!
All the best!
29 November 2007
the one with one of those job thingies
i found it.
i'll be selling shoes at macy's.
boring enough? yep. boring is good.
benefits are good.
employee discount is good.
commission is good.
21 November 2007
Fun Times!
08 November 2007
have a nice trip!
As I started out, I was admiring all the fall foliage as well as the left over Halloween decorations that are still out. I was intently examining that giant “Lebanese Cyprus” I like that’s on the right side of Majestic Lane, heading back up towards the shopping center. I was so engrossed in it, I stubbed my toe on the uneven sidewalk and went down! I did this really awesome Jackie-Chan double roll into that front yard, in front of some little kids holding their lunch boxes while their mom herded them into the family mini van. Before they could utter a word, I had already rolled my way back onto my feet and was trotting on down the sidewalk. Yeah. I meant to do that.
05 November 2007
oh, the joy
24 October 2007
keep on keepin' on
i ran today. i managed to do 4.7 miles with just under a 10 minute mile pace. i actually had to walk a couple of times, so i wonder what i might've done if i could go straight through? it's still so humid, and not that cool yet. i had to walk a little bit to cool off. when i get that slightly "nauseated" feeling i know it's time to cool down a little bit. can't wait for cold weather. seriously. i don't know why i still have such trouble with the warm weather and humidity. guess i should get a check up, but in the meantime, respect my limitations. after all, i haven't lived here in 7 years.
now that both Mr. Wonderful and #1 Son have departed, it's time for me to get me one of those job thingies. hmmmm. i don't know what i want to do. i do know how i want to do it: i want a decent commute - anything under 1 hour. i want to make ok money. i want something that i would enjoy but that i can leave behind at the end of the day. something boring would be perfect. boring is good. boring means no one's life hangs by a thread. wish me luck!
#1 daughter and i are going to The Burg tomorrow for William & Mary's Homecoming festivities. yay! fun times. Go Tribe!
hope you're having a great day too!!
20 October 2007
the last day with my baby boy
16 October 2007
internal turmoil
now i'm crashing. i'm going through something. i can't find my hair clips. they're the flat "goodie" ones that ctclady gave me and i can't run without them. they're the source of all my power.
mr. wonderful leaves tonight for a two year stint in "dog's breath." i'm not going. i'm staying in our cute little house in virginia. #1 son leaves next monday for marine bootcamp. #1 daughter is home and doing well at her new job. everything is hucky-duck.
i know i need to run. only 2 more miles until i complete 400 miles this year. but i can't find my hair clips. ugh. grumble grumble where are those clips???!!!
10 October 2007
october musings
later in the day we set record temperatures as we reached 94 in DC, and Dulles International Airport. 94? this is october. weird weather. the leaves are changing color, and we have the AC on! the weatherman promises changes are coming over night and we'll be enjoying typical october weather in the morning.
my daughter and i signed up for the veteran's day 10K in washington dc on november 11th. we're both really looking forward to that.
i'm also considering doing the 5K at William and Mary's Homecoming on october 28th. i love going down to "the Burg" as my daughter calls it. i love "CW" (colonial williamsburg), all the outlets, the little local dives...and yeah...i've been to The "Leafe" (Greenleafe Tavern).... this time i'm finally going to Sno To Go, which is undoubtedly a right of passage.
#1 son leaves for Parris Island on 10/22. the weekend trip to the Burg is something i planned to keep my mind off my "baby" leaving home.
not to be outdone by his old maw, the "baby" went out on monday and ran an equivalent 10 miles on the trails around the neighborhood in the heat & humidity. he finished in about an hour. ahhh. that's so cute.
09 October 2007
my ATM stats
overall place: 16645
division: female: 45-49
division place total: 629/
sex place/total: 6809/
chip time: 2:15:16
gun time: 2:38:56
i've been reading the message boards at the http://www.armytenmiler.com/ web site. omg. lot's of discussion regarding the poor young man who died, as well as the lack of water on the course. i'm so sorry for him and for his family and friends. how very sad and tragic.
07 October 2007
the one with the army 10 miler
i beat the bus!
i had an awesome time!
washington d.c. is a beautiful city, and this was a wonderfully scenic course. i wholeheartedly recommend it to everybody!!
my strategy today was to run 12 minutes and to walk 2 minutes as long as i could. it was quite warm and extremely humid, so i had to really take it easy if i wanted to get through the whole 10 miles. i carried a little water bottle with me the entire time, which was the smartest thing i have ever done. if i wasn't drinking water, i was pouring it over my head to keep myself cool!!
i lost ground at a potty stop at watering hole number 1. sheesh. but didn't have to "go" anymore after that.
around mile 6 there was some weird CONCENTRATED GATORADE. omg. blech blech blech but it's supposed to be good for you? blech blech i thought it tasted alot like sweat. blech
around mile 7 we ran past the capitol building. it was so beautiful. i invaded a fountain there that was within our course range and re-filled my water bottle ...not to drink, but to keep pouring water on my head. phew. it was stinking hot! with the humidity so high, people were cooking. ambulances were running all morning. eek.
around mile 8 there wasn't any water. finally it seemed some was brought to that station before i passed it completely, and at the very last table i got a big drink of water. i was super thirsty, and still had the yucky leftover sweat taste of the gatorade piss. big rookie mistake, man. i drank a whole cup...and immediately regreted it because i got a cramp. oh well...so i walked really fast most of mile 8. in hind sight, getting that water was really important! there were no more water stands after that.
at mile 9 i was getting happy to see i still had energy to burn, but was only comfortable now running 4-5 minutes and walking 3-4 minutes. ugh. hot hot hot! folks around me were pretty much doing the same. no shame in walking. better than heat stroke, any day!
the last mile was surreal. we were on the exit to the pentagon. the sun was blasting us. people were literally staggering along. it was hot as blazes there. i think i got through it because i had managed to down water at mile 8, and i was still carrying my trusty water bottle, with just enough water to keep pouring on my head. it was the most challenging and longest mile of the entire race i think. i kept up my walk/jog combo as best as i could but when we got to the last 1/4 mile i knew i could run the rest of the way. i asked the woman on my right if she'd like to run the last 1/4 mile together, and she agreed. we kept gathering women as we went. with our encouragement we picked up about 15-20 women who ran the last 1/4 mile all together. that was awesome. i even had enough energy left to kick it in the last 30 meters or so. yay! that felt so amazing!
i think my time was about 2 hours 15 minutes. i beat the bus, guys!! i beat the bus!!
army 10 miler, babyyyyyyyyyyy!
ps i read later in the washingtonpost.com that a runner died at the race today. my heart goes out to who ever that was and to their family.
Fairfax Runner Dies in Army Ten-Miler Race
Associated PressSunday,
October 7, 2007; 4:14 PM
ARLINGTON, Va. -- An unidentified runner from
Virginia died Sunday during the Army Ten-Miler race, collapsing near the finish
line at the Pentagon.
The runner collapsed about 200 yards from the finish
line, said Col. Jim Yonts. Arlington County medics took the runner to George
Washington University Hospital.
The cause of death was not known. The runner
was a civilian, not a member of the military, Yonts said.
The race started in
70-degree heat and high humidity. Race officials said there was plenty of water
and first aid stations along the course.
More than 25,000 people registered
for the 23rd annual race -- the largest 10-mile race in the United States. The
course runs from the Pentagon, across the Potomac River through the streets of
Washington, past the Capitol and back to the Pentagon.
Runners included
amputees who were injured in Iraq and a group of 36 women from Georgia whose
husbands are deployed in the war zone.
One other race death occurred in 1990,
Yonts said.
© 2007 The Associated Press
05 October 2007
just another race weekend?
yes, folks, it's the ARMY TEN MILER!!
you know the old saying, "this seemed like a good idea 3 months ago?" when i signed up to do this race six months ago, when i was back in switzerland, i was using it as a motivator to keep me moving through the hot summer months because i was SURE that by october 7 it would be COOL.
well, get ready my fellow ten milers, it's " going to be a bumpy ride!" our starting temperatures will be in the 70s with humidity in the 84% range, according to the army 10 miler web site. whenever the humidity is higher than the air temperature, you're just not going to feel very comfortable. anyone who has followed my complaints in my blog entries, knows that i am not a huge fan of this kind of weather.
so whatever. i'm dwelling on it, and whining a little bit, aren't i?
it's just going to be what it's going to be. i am re-adjusting my goals for this race since i do know my limitations with this kind of weather. i plan to run as long as i can, then walk to cool off some, then run some more. we'll just see! right? my best friend says to just "relax and enjoy the day." i will take her advice.
this entire week i've been fretting over the yucko weather, and complaining about yucko runs. i've stomped into the house several times with sweat pouring off of me, whining, "why is this so haaaard?" " why can't i be faaaaster?" "why isn't this getting any eeeeeasier?" i had to give myself a kick in the rear and a reality check...i went over my running log (it's posted on the right side of my blog)...... look at it, ok? go look at my first workouts last winter...and then look at my latest ones. i have accomplished a lot for myself. ok ok ok..maybe i'm not a RUNNER...but i'm at least a jogger, and i'm out there, on my two little feet, complaints and all.
this race -- the army 10 miler -- is a celebration of my accomplishments.
if you're in this race with me, i'll be the sweating, red faced, middle aged woman with a pony tail at the very back of the pack!! if i'm lucky, i won't be the very last one across the finish line...but hey, someone has to be last, right?
yall have a good weekend.
30 September 2007
the one with the really long run
23 September 2007
summer's last hurrah
11 September 2007
rare dinosaur sighting!
in my personal running news: yeah...i'm still plodding along. the heat and humidity have been hard for me after my seven years in europe. ugh. but last weekend i was able to get in a little over 5 miles. it was nice and slow, and i was hot and uncomfortable the entire time, but somehow it felt marginally better than the 5 miles i did the week before when the weather was actually cooler.
i am SO ready for fall weather!!!
our house is unpacked. almost all of the pictures have been hung and most of the clutter has either been sent on to the salvation army, or dealt with. nina is happy because both of "her kids" are at home.
i'm sipping coffee now ....trying to battle the demons in my head who say DON'T RUN TODAY!! it's only 74 degrees but it's 91% humidity. yuk. oh well
31 August 2007
God Bless America.
30 August 2007
it's going around
28 August 2007
where does it all go?
01 August 2007
pass the calamine
now....this week....i'm breaking out in oozy welts all up and down my arms and legs. (wtf! sigh) every time i run and get hot and sweaty it all gets even worse.
anyways...my yard looks better. i do not.
30 July 2007
momma needs new shoes
can i admit that i'm extremely overwhelmed and suffering from reverse-culture shock?
i'm staying across from a giguntus mall in northern virginia...and today i walked in there and i kinda freaked out a little.
whenever i run into the Giant (grocery store) to pick up something like bread or milk i'm entirely confused by the endless choices.
i've also driven more in the last few weeks than i have in the last 7 years. omg. people do NOT obey traffic laws in northern virginia. is it just me?
i also forgot that people in northern virginia, especially close to D.C. do NOT speak to strangers nor do they establish eye contact. say hello or good morning to someone and you're going to get the hairy eyeball unless they are from somewhere else, y'all. kinda funny.
and...don't even get me started on going into the D.M.V. now that was stressful. wow.
if you're still with me...
i need to get some new running shoes. can anyone in my area who stumbles upon my blog recommend a running shoe store? or a running shoe? i'm on the last legs of my adidas supernovas that i bought in bern, and my right achilles tendon and heel are starting to hurt again.
in other news, our house is being re-painted and re-carpeted as i write. we should be able to abandon the hotel-life and move in by mid august. think of me when i'm unpacking all my *stuff*. in fact, i'll probably have a really groovey garage sale before too long to unload some of my treasures from mexico, venezuela, colombia, panamá, france and switzerland.
i'm making an concerted effort to keep running. i had to run in "tyson's corner" this morning. it sounds like quaint farm land, when in actuality it is URBAN SQUALOR. i've stuck to a 1.22 mile loop around the several blocks by our hotel which keep me from crossing any major intersections. not too bad if you don't mind feeling like you were sucking on a tailpipe by the time you're done.
today i did a little over 3 miles on my loopy-loop at about 9:30 a.m. it was soooooo humid out there i felt like a biology experiment by the end. interesting things happen when the humidity is higher than the air temperature. you just keep getting hotter, and hotter and hotter...and sweatier and sweatier and sweatier. ahhhhhh. the dog-days. i can't wait until summer is over so i can run in cooler weather again.
hope you've had a good run today!
25 July 2007
it's not the heat, it's the stupidity
just stopping by to let you know i'm still alive. ha.
still in a hotel
waiting for the house to get painted and recarpeted
living out of a suitcase
eating out every night
trying to run in the mornings
but i'm finding it stupidly difficult to get into a routine.
i have the upmost admiration for you folks out there who travel and still keep up with your running. you are my inspiration.
the hardest part of running for me is just getting out the bleeping door in the first place. so...
i've been a stupid girl and have come up with all kinds of excuses this last week and didn't run as i should have.
but ENOUGH of that already.
in personal news #1 son just signed on with the USMC -- he's a "pool-ee" (sp?) and is heading off to bootcamp in october. you should see his face - he's SO excited and scared S-less at the same time. (me too...but don't tell anyone.)
y'all have a great day! summer is just flying by.
01 July 2007
it's all relative
20 June 2007
back in the US of A
i arrived back in virginia yesterday.
it's like
hot, man.
11 June 2007
une coupe de champagne
as i crossed the finish line was was given: a bottle of gatorade, a banana, a small box of cereal, a really nifty armband to hold a cell phone or mp3 player, and the cool technical fabric finishers T-shirt. i love getting goodies!
merci a tous! danke viel mal! thank you for reading and following along with me these past few months. i have appreciated your interest, and the support, and i've especially enjoyed "meeting" such friendly fellow bloggers.
i wish you all a very happy summer. i will see you again in the fall, when i will have re-entered my native culture. i've been "out" since 1989.
until then! auf weidersehen! hasta luego! au revoir! ciao!
see you again at "L'Entrée."
10 June 2007
Oh Em Gee
i almost lost my husband today.
i thought he was a gonner.
a run-away 300 lb desk
sliding down the stairs
bonka bonka bonka
he was at the bottom of the stairs
i haven't seen that man
move that fast
in 20 years
it's a killer.
Schweizer Frauenlauf Bern = check
fun times.
08 June 2007
i am the master of the universe. i am!!
02 June 2007
the day has come
the day has come,
the one that seemed so impossibly far away when i first took my youngest child to school back in mexico city in 1992.
my youngest child has graduated from high school.
i am thrilled beyond belief.
i am proud.
i am nostalgic.
i went for a wonderful run yesterday with my daughter and miz nina. we ran in the rain through the forest. nina and i even saw a deer crossing the trail in front of us. i am so grateful that nina came to me when i called her and didn't tear off after the poor thing. all three of us ended the run covered in mud and smiles. life is good.
01 June 2007
29 May 2007
jet laggity-laggin'
ugh. jet lag. hate it.
i have a "cure" if you're interested: hours and hours of bright sun light as soon as you land. mentally prepare yourself for the local time at your destination and set your watch as soon as you begin your flight. once you land, keep yourself busy, in bright sun light as long as you can, and don't go to sleep until the local bed time. this usually does it for me...however this week, here in der schwiez, it is raining, raining, raining, raining. sunshine is not happenin'.
#1 daughter and i took miz nina for a run in the barenreid forrest on sunday. i was so happy to watch nina frollicking along with us. she loves to race back and forth between the two of us. (#1 daughter has gazelle legs and is always ahead!) we managed a little over 3 miles in nice cool weather. speaking of #1 daughter, her graduation at W&M was beautiful. they do it up good. She's the one in the red converse all stars.
yesterday we opted to rest ourselves, as our muscles were a little sore. i had missed the hills around here while i was in virginia. when i move back later this summer, i will make an effort to find good hilly trails.
25 May 2007
the one with the 200 miles
turns out Mr. Wonderful was joking about my dog running away. no words can explain how far he crossed the line with me. i'm relieved my sweet nina is ok.
#1 daughter and i are catching the plane back to CH this evening. hope you're having a good day.
23 May 2007
my dog ran away
i don't return until next weekend. maybe by then mr. wonderful and #1 son will find her.
13 May 2007
all my bags are packed, i'm ready to go...
12 May 2007
the one with my first race
09 May 2007
Schweizer Frauenlauf
07 May 2007
le freak, so chic
everything i've been planning and looking forward to is coming together. everything is going to pretty much happen at once! hang on! everything is "snowballing!"ahhhhfreak out!le freak, so chic!
05 May 2007
her majesty the queen
my daughter, who is in the queens' guard at william and mary had the honor of standing guard for the queen during her visit to the college yesterday afternoon. she's in the group somewhere!
for highlights of the queen's visit to w&m click here.
my little girl is the 2nd guard on the left
we're having lots of rain here in my swiss town today. there was a brief break this afternoon, so i dashed out and got in a quick three miles in about a half hour. yay me.
we're hosting a surprise birthday party for a friend in a few minutes. shhhhh!
01 May 2007
just another day in paradise
president bush speaks at the centcom coalition conference at macdill AFB florida
chavez seizes control from big oil (he's a p.i.t.a.)
castro is a no show at the may day parade (hmmmm)
georgia wild fires won't let up (ctclady is enhaling smoke!)
boy george was arrested for assault
rosie o'donnell is leaving The View (thank goodness)
dannilynn is going home with her biological father
immigration marchers take to the streets
mr. kicky is having dinner out.
#1 son is at bern library feverishly studying. his I.B. exams begin tomorrow. dun-dun-DUN (theatrical music here).
#1 daughter is hanging on by a thread. her last class is this friday. everyone send her happy thoughts. :-)
i got my run in today. and YES!! i made it up S.A.H. again today...and then managed to run another 40 meters before stopping to take a swig of water. actually when i got to the top of S.A.H. there was a young couple walking past with their stroller and they glanced at me in a slightly disgusted and worried manner...as i wheezed and plodded up the S.A.H. their expressions consequently encouraged me to at least pull it together and trot ladylike past them to the next path where i nonchallently slowed to a walk and took a drink of water.
i got my "bern grand prix racing number and entrance ticket" today.
and i ate cereal for supper..and i'm reading a really good, trashy novel. doesn't get much better.
hope you're having a good day too.
29 April 2007
my pretty pony
can you guess which is her favorite song?
pleasure spiked with pain
28 April 2007
Rise and Shine
26 April 2007
are you stuck in negativity?
that being said, i must admit there have been a special few along the way who have been there for me. i'm very fortunate that i've had them and that they didn't pull me out of the mud, but would stand there with their arms crossed and say,"oh my! i can't believe you just did that!" "well, what are you going to do now?" "why don't you try it this way?" "wow. sucks to be you. when you're finished flouncing about, let me know, i'll be here." thanks, guys!
so, today, at this moment, i'm not stuck in negativity. one moment at a time, right?
i went out for my run earlier today (about 7:30 am) so i could take miz nina along with me. it's been so "warm" lately, that it has been hard on her. (highs in the mid 70s. ha!). we ran the trails through the Barenreid. i kept her off leash most of the time and she loved it. i could listen for her tags dingalinging to know she was keeping up, and she was enjoying all the sniffing and investigating along the way without me yanking on her leash.
the trail i follow in the Barenreid is mostly uphill and then downhill. it's mainly a gradual incline, but whew, that's a challenge for me! i can still only keep going uphill in ten minute spurts, and then must take a short walking break. back in january, when i was on these trails, i found it hard to even go 30 seconds uphill. so, i'll take the progress i've made. it took me 20 minutes today to go up a mile and a half. only took me 15 to go back downhill the same distance. the downhill part for me is the FUN PART!
25 April 2007
Her Majesty
23 April 2007
thank you, robert key
visit www.faithfulsoles.com today
i ran 4.55 miles today (without said pedometer...i mapped the route out on the computer).i was able to run about 35 minutes without stopping. it was really sunny today, mid 70s. i'm getting a tan.
daughter #1 is stressing big time. ten more days of classes at w&m, then 2 weeks of exams. i wish her well and remind her this too shall pass.
son #1 is his usual mellow self. tomorrow is his last day of classes, then 2 weeks of exams - no worries, no study, no problemo. i wish him well and remind him that hotel mama is closing august 31, 2007.
i just ate half a can of pringles. why the hell did i let them into the house. ugh ugh
mr. kicky is travelling - so i get to sleep sideways in the bed. love that! ha
21 April 2007
the one with the attack
17 April 2007
my day off
16 April 2007
virginia tech
my heart goes out to all those people.
follow up:
my friend says her child is safe. she had been informed about the first incident and didn't go to campus. her roommates however were already on campus and spent several hours in lockdown.
spring scenes
interestingly, yesterday was the first time i had ever ever ever walked ten miles. doing the "nordic walking" was a lot of fun too. today i can feel that i really got a work out yesterday, but i am not sore -- except i have a blister of the ball of my foot. that's my only complaint.
click here for more info nordic walking
15 April 2007
the one with the nordic walking
13 April 2007
the one with the 100 miles
the Barenreid. from the top of the Schupberg. taken by my lovely daughter.
as of today,
i've run 100 miles in 2007 !
aside from my running-life, i have so much going on, that it's starting to freak me out a little. it's time to get organized to pack out, got to get miz nina's shots and health papers ready, i need to travel to virginia to attend #1 daughter's college graduation, also need to organize #1 daughter's summer travel, then i need to travel back to switzerland to attend #1 son's high school graduation, then it's time to pack out the middle of june. what happens next with any luck is i'll run away to florida for a week at the end of june to attend my 30th high school reunion (florida high class 1977!!). next i'll go to virginia and take possession of our house we've rented out since 2000 and start making repairs, shop for a car, then the rest of the family and miz nina will join me, and we'll anxiously await our HHE (household effects). i think i'm going to be a little crazy until october. by then i think my life will have settled back into a groove again. oh yeah..and hopefully i'll find some employment that i'll enjoy.
throughout, i will run. with any luck
i'll stay a step ahead of the stress and my husband will think i'm a cool,
groovey chica who has her act together. (yeah right!)
11 April 2007
shameless bragging
mark your calendars:
may 20 - my #1 daughter graduates from W&M
june 2 - my #1 son graduates from ISB.
photo from http://www.businesslunchclub.ch/img/hornussen.jpg
i'm registered for the 5K in the Bern Grand Prix on May 12. now it's official.
in other news, my run yesterday blew. i didn't feel well but at least i went. today i'm not going. i'm a wimp. tomorrow i'll run. tomorrow tomorrow tomorrowanother sport i'm fond of -- HURLING.
i discovered that in ireland. now THAT'S a REAL GAME!!