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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

13 April 2007

the one with the 100 miles

the Barenreid. from the top of the Schupberg. taken by my lovely daughter.

as of today,

i've run 100 miles in 2007 !

not too shabby for a 48 year old woman who was never a runner!
this calls for champagne!
yesterday, i ran up the schupberg on the trails. nina went with me. it was nice and cool in the shade. going up the hills though is HARD. from my house to the highest point on the schupberg is 200 feet.
i had a good run today. i managed two 10-minute runs with 3 minute walking break in between. i stayed to more gently rolling hills, than steep, like yesterday. the time spent on the incline yesterday paid off. today felt easy in comparison.

aside from my running-life, i have so much going on, that it's starting to freak me out a little. it's time to get organized to pack out, got to get miz nina's shots and health papers ready, i need to travel to virginia to attend #1 daughter's college graduation, also need to organize #1 daughter's summer travel, then i need to travel back to switzerland to attend #1 son's high school graduation, then it's time to pack out the middle of june. what happens next with any luck is i'll run away to florida for a week at the end of june to attend my 30th high school reunion (florida high class 1977!!). next i'll go to virginia and take possession of our house we've rented out since 2000 and start making repairs, shop for a car, then the rest of the family and miz nina will join me, and we'll anxiously await our HHE (household effects). i think i'm going to be a little crazy until october. by then i think my life will have settled back into a groove again. oh yeah..and hopefully i'll find some employment that i'll enjoy.

throughout, i will run. with any luck
i'll stay a step ahead of the stress and my husband will think i'm a cool,
groovey chica who has her act together. (yeah right!)
p.s. happy friday the 13th!

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