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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

09 May 2007

Schweizer Frauenlauf

today i signed #1 daughter and myself up for the Schweizer Frauenlauf on June 10.

i had a good workout today. it was my last "hard" run before the 5K on saturday. it was really windy. i'm hoping running uphill into the wind will make me a teensy bit stronger. the weather report for saturday is "iffy" so i'm expecting it to be cool and rainy.
tomorrow i'm going to run my very last "easy" run with miz nina before the 5K. then she and i have an appointment with the village vet. it's time to get miz nina ready to move to the U.S.A. she's originally from toulouse, france. when we first got her, she didn't speak english. she's now tri-lingual: french, english and some swiss-german. ha!