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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

15 March 2007

music is my morphine drip

a 1/4 mile into my warm up today my battery went dead in my MP3 player. i had to run without a soundtrack today. booooo! i'm a wimp. i neeeeed my tunes, man. i was jonesing for some rolling stones, some hendrix, dylan or springsteen. jonesing bad. when i listen to my tunes, i stop focusing on the pain. i felt every single stride i took today. ow. ow. ow. ow. seriously.
i got in my 3 miles today. the first two were the best. my fastest so far done in about 26 minutes. i might've been faster but i had to stop several times in order to get out of the way of the farmers and their tractors. it's time to do the spring field preparations, and there's just not enough room for all of us at once. let me tell ya - it's smellin' pretty darn "fresh and natural" out there this week. shooooweeeeebob!
i had to talk myself into the last mile after a langourous walk up a steep hill. it wasn't a "quality mile" but i got it in.

so...í'm a definite tunes-runner. sad but true. sigh.

"xuse me while i kiss the sky!"

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