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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

02 March 2007

and then all of a sudden....

...my foot felt better!!

i woke up this morning and as soon as my feet touched the floor i knew my sore right foot was suddenly so much better than it was yesterday. i am so excited, but curious. why is it so much better today? what made the difference? well..it has been four weeks since i hurt it.

maybe i shouldn't question the TOE GODS and just take my improvement on faith. in the meanwhile, i will continue to take it easy through the weekend and limit myself to the one mile walks with nina.

monday - i've decided to start running again.

monday is my 48th birthday and i want to celebrate it with a re-entry into my running program. i wonder how i should start back. hmmmm. any suggestions?

i read the following at www.coolrunning.com about starting back after time off -

The Runner's Recovery
Returning to running after a brief layoff? A general rule of thumb is that it takes about two weeks of "retraining" to come back from every week in which you do no exercise. Go easy on yourself during this period. Don't let your ego convince you that you should immediately be able to run as you did before. If you've been off the roads for only a week or two, start at about half the distance you were running before the injury. You should be able to build back to your former level in two to four weeks.

thanks jeanne, susie and ctclady for your encouraging words, and thanks to my other friends for the blog visits.


Unknown said...

Get out there and HAUL ASS!!!! ha ha..kidding...take it easy on it of course...baby steps..you'll be back before you know it...:)

jeanne said...

Isn't that amazing?? Rest is definitely healing! I think the hardest part in getting back into running is having realistic expectations. You probably will not be as fast as you were, but it will come back. Maybe look at one of those couch to 5k programs just for some structure?

I'm all about structure. Otherwise, I'd be on the couch to refrigerator program.


Faithful Soles said...

I'm glad that your foot is feeling better. I too am in the middle of a layoff after a severe left shin splint and I hope to resume my running around April 1.

I wanted to also follow up and thank you again for linking your blog to our Running Blog Database. It has now grown to bloggers from 36 states in the US and 20 other countries of all ages and abilities and has become a great resource for members to find blogs that meet their specific goals and interests.