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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

28 June 2008

the virginia muggies

hey! so i've been out there a couple of times since i last wrote - jogging up and down my limited trails. it's been rather humid, hot during the afternoons, and there's been some worry about air quality. with work, the best time for me to get in a quick run is first thing when i get up - about 6 a.m. when it's still cool. i've been delighted to see several of our forrest rascals out there: angry beavers slapping their tails when i've stumbled by, crunching noisily on the gravel trail. foxy loxy has peered at me a few times, and i know i've been excitingly close to mr. skunk, but luckily have not had the pleasure of coming face to face. i had to test my jedi skills the other day when i almost landed a step ontop of a snake hurrying across my path. best to remember we're not alone out there and to stay aware!


Phil said...

I always about stepping on snakes when I'm out running on trails. Of course, this time of the year, the snakes are about the only thing using the trails.

Good to see you out and running. I've lost my ability to tolerate the heat and simply running inside.

Faithful Soles said...

I don't have a snake problem, just large dogs that must think I'm a meal. Living here in Houston I can certainly relate to the heat issues. Hang in there!

Phil said...

OK ... It's been 6 months! How about a post to let us know you're still breathing.