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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

01 August 2007

pass the calamine

flash back: a couple of weekends ago i spent many hours working in the yard of the house we own. i pulled off ivy from one entire side of the house, tamed an overgrown rhododendron, got rid of vines that had overtaken our wooden picket fence in the back.

now....this week....i'm breaking out in oozy welts all up and down my arms and legs. (wtf! sigh) every time i run and get hot and sweaty it all gets even worse.

anyways...my yard looks better. i do not.




Phil said...

Wear the scratches like a badge of courage.

peter said...

A few years back I cleared out my back yard over two different days and a few days later I got welts on my forearms and ankles from day one's poion ivy. A couple of days later I got a new pattern of welts, some of it my my partially heled spots, from day two's poison ivy. It was a miserable two weeks. Try running water as hot as you can stand it over the welts in the shower for a minute; sometimes that will dull the itchiness in that spot for good (don't burn yourself!).

jeanne said...

hope you are feeling better by now, and stay out of this heat!

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