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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

25 July 2007

it's not the heat, it's the stupidity

just stopping by to let you know i'm still alive. ha.
still in a hotel
waiting for the house to get painted and recarpeted
living out of a suitcase
eating out every night
trying to run in the mornings
but i'm finding it stupidly difficult to get into a routine.
i have the upmost admiration for you folks out there who travel and still keep up with your running. you are my inspiration.
the hardest part of running for me is just getting out the bleeping door in the first place. so...
i've been a stupid girl and have come up with all kinds of excuses this last week and didn't run as i should have.
but ENOUGH of that already.
in personal news #1 son just signed on with the USMC -- he's a "pool-ee" (sp?) and is heading off to bootcamp in october. you should see his face - he's SO excited and scared S-less at the same time. (me too...but don't tell anyone.)

y'all have a great day! summer is just flying by.


Phil said...

Best of luck to your son in Boot Camp. He'll get into great shape very fast.

As for running on the road. For me, it almost becomes a badge of courage. It feels good to look back to the places I've been, even when I've been there often and know I've run there. Have fun

peter said...

Good luck to your son in the Marines. The Marines always take care of their own.

I liked your description of "running" on the dreadmill as more like "bouncing." Ha! There's no good running out Tyson's way? There are all those 8-lane roads! And a steady stream of thousands opf speeding cars. I always thought setting up a marathon course in Tyson's Corner shopping mall, upstairs, downstairs, around and around, would be a hit. Start it at 6 am, finish it in the food court (is there a food court out there?).