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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

10 June 2007

Schweizer Frauenlauf Bern = check

Herzliche Gratulation,
allen Teilnehmerinnen des 21. Schweizer Frauenlaufs
in Bern!

now i can check this off the list. whew. it was a good one. #1 daughter and i had a blast. we were fortunate that her boyfriend, SpikeyLeatherJacketGuy, came with us and took pictures!

Here's #1 daughter (# 33145) as she's finishing up the race - all smiles.

SpikeyLeatherJacketGuy caught me (#33146) finishing up the last few meters before the finish line. i wasn't "smiley." ha. i was soooooooooooo glad to cross it. this "felt" like a loooong race. i did the time i wanted - 35:35:20. i hope this time next year my 5K time will be lower.

fun times.

our victory pose


Phil said...

Congratulations to both you and your daughter. You looked very strong at the end. Loved the post race photo op.

jeanne said...

congrats!!! so fun when your kids participate!