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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

08 June 2007

i am the master of the universe. i am!!

truth be told, i like to think i have control over the universe. i like to think i have power over what happens next, and to some extent i do. unfortunately, other people just don't understand that they need to be doing everything i say. *sigh*

i have been depending on #1 son's brawn to move heavy furniture out of house that i plan to give away next week. he has completely unbalanced my world by injuring himself. goofing around wtih friends: he fell and hurt his hand. a quick trip to the doctor confirms that yes, he hurt it, but the xray didn't show any broken bone, but to come back next week if it still hurts. hmmmm. in our past experience when the doc said, "it's not broken," guess what, it was broken.

ahhhh, whatever. he still has one good hand.

today is #1 daughter's and my last training run before the Frauenlauf on sunday. i'm looking forward to it, but not with the breathless anticipation i had for the Bern Grand Prix. this is probably because there has been so much other stuff going on. i'm very happy however, that i did sign us up for this race. it has certainly been a motivator to keep me running during a busy time. after this race, and before the army 10-miler in october, i think i'll have to scope out something to do in july/august as a goal.

anyways....i'm going back to my sorting and organizing before the big pack out. see? at least i have control over this little corner of my universe. yes, i do.

hope you're having a good day, wherever you are.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Moving is a real pain. Happy to hear that your son didn't break anything. Best of luck to your daughter on Sunday.