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Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

02 June 2007

the day has come

the day has come,

the one that seemed so impossibly far away when i first took my youngest child to school back in mexico city in 1992.

my youngest child has graduated from high school.

i am thrilled beyond belief.

i am proud.

i am nostalgic.

i went for a wonderful run yesterday with my daughter and miz nina. we ran in the rain through the forest. nina and i even saw a deer crossing the trail in front of us. i am so grateful that nina came to me when i called her and didn't tear off after the poor thing. all three of us ended the run covered in mud and smiles. life is good.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Congratulations on your son's High School Graduation. Little wonder you are a proud parent.